9.3 Checklist: Regular inspection before leaving harbor


Make sure that:

  • All the people onboard have life jackets.

  • The wind and wave conditions do not exceed the design category of the boat.

  • The dead man's switch is switched to driver. 

  • There is a fire extinguisher (or several) onboard and their approval/inspection date has not expired.

  • The needed ropes and anchor are onboard.

Draining and tightness

Check that:

  • There is no water in the bilge.

  • All the bilge pumps are functional.

  • The bilge has no signs of fuel or oil leaks.

  • The deck drain system is clean and the valves are open.

  • All deck hatches are tightly closed.

Electrical and engine

Check that: 

  • All the fuses are intact.

  • The main switches are switched on.

  • The batteries have enough power.

  • The engine works properly.

  • The engine cooling water flows as expected.

  • The fuel level is sufficient.

The specified tank capacity is not necessarily fully available, depending on the trim and load on board. The tank must always be kept at least 20% full.