4.2.9 Fuel system

The boat has a fixed fuel system and a water-separating fuel filter on the suction line.

The EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) fuel system complies with the NMMA (National Marine Manufacturers Association) certification rules.

See the fuel system drawing in Appendix II. For care and maintenance of the fuel system, see the instructions in the engine manual.

Never start the engines if there is strong gasoline odor present.

Do not smoke or handle open flames when refueling.

Remember that it is not allowed to store fuel in spaces not specifically designed for it. Since there is no ventilated storage space on this boat, possible spare fuel cans must be stored on deck. 

Fuel system component locations
  • The fuel tank is located in the middle of the keel. Prevent damage to the fuel lines.

  • The inlet pipe for fuel is located in the starboard side of the deck.

  • If the boat has been equipped with an extra diesel tank, the inlet fitting is located next to the fuel inlet.




Fuel tank


Shut-off valve


Fuel inlet