In this owner's manual you can find important information that help you handle and maintain your boat. The manual contains detailed information about the boat and the systems installed, and general information about handling and taking care of the boat. The latest version of the manual is available in electronic format at the manufacturer's website.
Read the manual carefully and familiarize yourself with your boat before you start to use it. Also ensure that the anticipated wind and wave conditions correspond to the design category of your boat, and that you and your crew are able to handle the boat in these conditions.
This owner's manual is not a substitute for boating safety skills or good seamanship.
If this is your first boat or if this boat type is new to you, ensure you can handle the boat before you set out for the first time.
For information about local sea schools and approved instructors, please ask your boat dealer, the local boat clubs and national motorboat or yacht federations for advice. They can also provide information on specific local regulations on issues such as a driving licence or authorization, registration, insurance, and safety equipment.
This owner’s manual is not a detailed maintenance or troubleshooting guide. If problems occur, contact the boat manufacturer or its local representative. When you are in need of maintenance or repair and alteration work, always turn to competent and trained professionals. Changes that can affect the boat’s security features must be assessed, carried out and documented by competent professionals. The boat manufacturer cannot be held responsible for unauthorized modifications. Every change to the boat’s center of gravity (from highly mounted heavy equipment or a new type etc.) significantly affects the stability, trim and performance of the boat.
Keep this manual in a safe place and pass it on to the new owner if you sell your boat. If the manual is mislaid or destroyed, a copy can be ordered from your dealer or downloaded from the manufacturer's website.
See the purchase agreement or order for the scope of your purchase. In case something does not work satisfactorily with your boat or its equipment, you can check the service documents for possible service and repair measures. If uncertain, always contact your dealer.