You can choose to convert the port side fender box into a 70-liter (18.5 US gal) bait livewell. Baitwell keeps the bait fish alive by circulating sea water in the well. The baitwell gets its raw water through the baitwell pump from the sea chest located under the deck in the aft. The baitwell has a drain to prevent the baitwell from overflowing.
To run the water in baitwell, the water intake valve must be open.
The water intake valve is located on the sea chest bow facing wall. Baitwell pump switch is located next to the port fender box.
Open intake valve to sea chest, and valve from sea chest to fender box baitwell.
Turn the pump on. The switch is located next to port fender box. If the boat is also equipped with a main baitwell and a tackle station, the switch is located in the main baitwells switch panel. The pump fills up the baitwell until the water starts to run out from the overflow pipe.
Leave the pump running for continuous exchange of water.
Close the seacock when the baitwell is not in use.
Inspect and clean the overflow drain and pump strainer from gunk after each use.
Clean the inside of the baitwell with distilled vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.
Circulate freshwater through the system a few times to rinse it.
Avoid using harsh cleaners, as they can cause the bait fish to die.