4.2.7 Batteries

The boat is equipped with four or five batteries, of which the two start batteries supply current to the engine and engine-related equipment, and the two service batteries for other appliances and equipment on the boat. There can also be a separate battery for the optional bow thruster.

The dual battery system has been designed and built so that the boat’s engine starts even if its service battery is empty. When the dual battery system has been installed, the start battery only supplies current for the engine system. All other power consuming devices have been connected on to service battery. The batteries are charged by the engine alternator. Charging of the batteries is arranged so that the start batteries are always prioritized. Once the start batteries are full, charging of the service batteries starts automatically.

The batteries are located in the aft of the boat. The exact location of the batteries is presented in the section Electrical System.

Only use maintenance-free AGM batteries in the boat.

  • When you leave the boat, switch off the current from the main switch.

  • Remove the batteries from the boat for winter storage.

    • When removing a battery, detach the negative pole first. 

    • When disconnecting batteries, be careful not to touch both poles at the same time with a metal tool.